Gingers Creek / Long Flat Musical Run.

Sun 27 January 2019
Port Macquarie Service Centre (The Donut) corner Oxley and Pacific Highways.
8.45 am for a 9 am Start
Peter McDonnell, 0417575454,

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Starting at Port Macquarie we will head west on the Oxley Highway to the Byabarra Café for morning tea. We will then have a very winding run through to Gingers Creek Roadhouse.

After a brief refreshment stop, we will then proceed to the Long Flat Hotel, where we will have lunch at the Pig and the Fig restaurant.

Pure Acoustics will be playing from 12.00 till 3.00pm.

Please get back to Peter or Graham prior to 16th January so that catering arrangements can be finalised

CAMS Permit No: 219/2701/02