Wangi Queen Cruise

Sun 29 October 2023
Departing 54 Cook Parade, Lemon Tree Passage
11:30am meet for 11:45am boarding from the boat ramp jetty.
Felicity Harnden, 0418470300

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Glorious October with warm spring weather what could be nicer than a 2 1/2- hour cruise with your MX-5 besties whilst enjoying a BBQ Lunch and the sites of Port Stevens and Great Lakes Marine. 

Note to all who wish to do the run It is now starting from Cameron Park 9:45 meet for a 10:15 Start.


Please book on the Wangi Queen first to secure your spot 

by calling Theresa on 0411 388 380 and book under the MX5 group

Cost: $59 per person.

This includes the 2 1/2-hour cruise & a 2 course BBQ Lunch (if you have any special dietary requirements, please let Theresa know when you book
Drinks can be purchased onboard.

There is plenty of off-street parking available.

And there will be a run to Lemon tree passage for those who are interested.

 Parking and Meeting Place for the Wangi Queen Cruise