Hunters run to Presidents Picnic

14 November 2023 / Story by Phil Ellerton, Photos by Denise Birrell, Patrick Bramston, Michelle Wright & Rob Wilko

15 Cars set off from the Mooney Mooney rest stop onto the M1 heading towards Sydney. Turning off at Hornsby travelling up Gallstone Gorge and onto Ebenezer. Along the way passing many very large expensive mansions and properties including one that looked like a grave yard for busses.

The cars were parked in groups of type so it was good to see them all together as NA, NB, ND and RF.

The lunch was done by the local church group and was great then we settled in for the day checking out the cars on ‘Show N Shine’.

Hunter cars on display included Patrick's “Bullet” 260 RW KW supercharged1UZ.

The show stealer for hunter was Marlene Cosier who won ‘Show N Shine’ for Mazda ND.

  Hunter run to presidents picnic 07 Hunter run to presidents picnic 06

Also presented on the day was my (Phil and Mara Ellerton) award for NSW New MOTY  2021 that I had not picked up prior and Les Kibblewhite New NSW New MOTY for 2022. These awards trophies had not been available before and had not been picked up.

Congratulations everyone!