Tony's Valley to Vines

19 May 2019 / Written by Brendan Barr. Photos: Brendan Barr, Tony Heathwood

The coffee had been brewed, the team had been briefed … time to hit the road, our fearless leader, Tony hits the road out of the car park and hits the ….. brakes!   (Click on any photo to see full size image)


Can anyone see a wallet back there?

Being the car behind him, it is obvious the cause of this problem.  Tony emerges from his highly polished red rocket, first patting his hip pockets, then his breast pocket, then the back pockets.  No wallet!  A mad dash back to Hungry Jacks for a man’s look.  Jennifer emerges from the red rocket and dashes in for a woman’s look, and even this does not reveal the whereabouts of the missing wallet.  Phil searches high and low in the car, to no avail.  Tony notices his phone is missing, has some deceptively dastardly villain taken Tony’s toys?

Some bright spark decides to ring the phone, and lo… what sound in Tony’s folded down canopy window chimes?  Why, it's his phone lying next to his wallet!

Tony fortunately does not notice the shaking heads as he proceeds to lead us on a great ride up Jamberoo Mountain Pass, with not a car to interfere with our crisp gear changes, throaty exhausts and smooth cornering.

Our favourite morning tea destination arrives after plenty more enjoyable kilometres. 


Tony and Jenny celebrate the wallet find by demolishing a custard tart, the photo giving one an eerie feeling of déjà vu. Haven’t I seen this before?

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From Fitzroy Falls we headed for Kangaroo Valley.  The view from atop the mountain down into the valley was spectacular, bright sunshine enveloping the mountain tops, and reflecting off the beautiful white cloud that filled the valley between.  ‘Wouldn’t be dead for quids!’ is the saying that comes to mind.


Through the Valley and on to test our suspension on the corrugations and potholes of Kangaroo Valley Rd, to finally emerge at our destination, Mountain Ridge Winery. 


They were ready for us, food was served, we basked in the sun, sipped a wine or two, swapped tales and had a great time.

The only worry was when Tony collected the money to pay.   ‘Don’t put it in your wallet’ was the chorus!

A thoroughly enjoyable day, great roads, sunny weather, fabulous company ….. Thanks Tony and Jennifer for organising a wonderful day.