Wollongong Botanic Garden Visit

06 October 2020 / Words: Jeff & Pam Rowe Photos Chrissie & John Zaremba

 All Photos Here

At last some of the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. Not early enough though for us to change
the destination, again, of our run to a Botanic Garden. Mount Annan was our original choice, but due
to the Regional Boundaries restrictions, this was changed to Wollongong.
Why we ever thought about going anywhere else made us wonder when we saw how beautiful our
own City Botanic Gardens are. Spring is an amazing time to visit any garden.
Our group, including new members Bret and Dianne Tierney, all arrived at the starting time keen and
ready to go.


First job was to welcome Bret and Dianne and the Chapter Co-Convenors, Jeff and Pam,
present them with a Chapter Cap.

After doing our pre run briefing we started our run from Mount Keira Lookout to the world famous
lookout at Bald Hill. You have to be impressed with the glorious view from here down the coast
toward the Sea Cliff Bridge and Wollongong.
Our Picnic Style Morning Tea was shared looking over this view with the thought of us driving across
the Sea Cliff Bridge on our way to the Wollongong Botanic Garden.
Not disappointed with the drive across what has become the most photographed bridge in the
country we continued along the coast checking out the beach views and enjoying the smell of the
fresh sea air.
Turning before up Bulli Pass we then headed toward Wollongong arriving at the Botanic Garden to
find a parking spot.
We were met at the garden by another Illawarra Chapter member, Adele Weatherall. Picnic tables
were found close to the Duck Pond for us all to enjoy our Picnic Lunch.
After lunch Adele shared some history of the formation of the Botanic Garden and many members
walked around the many gardens styles with Adele pointing out different plant species.
The weather was kind to us on the day so we all enjoyed one of those great relaxed, less traffic,
easier to find a park mid-week runs. Morning Tea and Lunch was pretty good to.
We’re out ‘Living the Dream’ in our MX-5.