5 Hills Run

Sun 19 January 2014
Blamey Square, Russell
5:30 pm for 5:45 pm departure
Norm and Ros Barker

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This is the Chapter’s traditional run for January and is always well attended. Norm and Roz Barker have again volunteered to take us on this late afternoon run around our beautiful city, ending up by the Lake for an evening BBQ / picnic.

We start at Blamey Square, Russell at 5:30 pm for 5:45 pm departure. The run is 45 km and we plan to do 4 stops, one short photo stop at the top of Red Hill, and the others just for sightseeing. That would have us at Lennox Gardens by 7:15 pm and sunset is 8:19 pm. We won't do nibbles and drinks on the run, but have some for when we finish. It will be BYO picnic or BBQ dinner and drinks. Please bring a plate to share. The Club’s BBQ trailer will be in attendance.

The five hills will be Mt Pleasant, Mt Ainslie, Black Mountain, Dairy Hill in the Arboretum, and Red Hill.