Club Hillclimbs

Hillclimb is a branch of motorsport in which drivers compete against the clock to complete an uphill course. It is one of the oldest forms of motorsport, since the first known hillclimb took place in 1897 (source).

The Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW has arranged hillclimbs at Ringwood Park near Raymond Terrace. Our hillclimb days are designed to offer a convenient motorsport option for MX-5 drivers in the Hunter region and beyond. They also offer something different for our regular competitors at club track days and supersprints. Our first Ringwood Park hillclimb was held on 13 Aug 2016 (click here for the story).

Ringwood Park is owned and operated by the MG Car Club Newcastle Inc. The complex is located at Balickera, 14km north of Heatherbrae roundabout on the Pacific Highway, then turn left onto Italia Road and travel 550m and turn left again. The complex has six track layouts, which provides various challenges for all competitors. Extensive spectator areas provide close action on various parts of the complex.

In 2025, the MX-5 Club is not scheduled to run any hillclimbs.

Macey Hillclimb