Visitor Policy
The MX-5 Club of NSW conducts runs for the benefit of its members. Participation is limited to current financial members and non-members wanting to experience a Club event before joining.
Anyone who is not a member of the MX-5 Club of NSW or another Motorsport Australia affiliated club and who wishes to participate in an MX-5 Club of NSW event must complete a One Day Permit at the event when they arrive. Better still, contact the event organiser beforehand and let them know you're coming - they might have some extra guidance you need to be aware of.
Non-members are welcome to participate as guests at up to three (3) events in the social and run calendar. With respect to our motorsport activities (track days, driver training days, motorkhanas), non-members may participate as guests at only one (1) event.
Non-members are not eligible for member discounts at events.
Please note that it only costs an extra $25 per year to add a Partner to your Full Membership. "Partner" is interpreted in the broadest sense and may also be a friend or sibling. Partners in a Joint Membership receive a name badge to help with social interactions, and are eligible for member discounts at subsidised club events, such as the President's Picnic and Christmas Parties. That small $25 fee is recovered very quickly for partners who get involved in club events. Upgrades can be applied for via the Member Portal.