Annual Chapter Meeting

Wed 19 August 2015
Canberra Southern Cross Club 92-96 Corinna Street, Woden ACT 2606
7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Tony & Iris McDonald, Mob (Iris): 0412 976 530 & Mob (Tony): 0467 883 248,

Add to Calendar

Wednesday 19th August 2015
7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

Canberra Southern Cross Club
92-96 Corinna Street, Woden ACT 2606

All Chapter positions will be declared vacant on the night and your nominations for Convenor/s, Run Coordinator and committee, Social Coordinator and committee, Social Media Coordinator, and Motor Sport Coordinator will be sought. So come along and have your say about how the chapter is run and who runs it for the next 12 months.

Please note that tables have been reserved in the Golden Grille at the club to enable meeting attendees to have dinner from 6 p.m. prior the meeting.