Annual Chapter Meeting

Wed 16 August 2017
Canberra Southern Cross Club 92-96 Corinna Street, Woden
6:00PM Dinner for 7:30PM Meeting start
Norm Barker, 0409 604 041,

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The Annual Chapter Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 16 August at 7:30pm at the Woden Southern Cross Club (, in the Rainbow Room (go past the front desk, down the stairs on your left and turn left).


As in previous years many of us will meet for dinner in the Golden Grille Bistro at 6:00pm. It is important that we have a good representation of our membership to elect the official positions for our Chapter. I would like to thank everyone for their support which makes the job of Convenor much easier and enjoyable. The positions are as follows:


Convenor - Currently yours truly Norm Barker. I can continue for another year, unless there is someone keen to take over.

Website and Social Media Manager - Currently Bricet Klören, who is willing to continue for another year.

Regalia Coordinator - Currently Iris McDonald, who is willing to continue for another year.

Council for ACT Motor Clubs Representative - Currently Bob Judd, who will continue for another year.

Motorsport Chapter Representative - Currently Ed Cory who is stepping down, and Peter Browning has nominated to take this on.

Runs and Social Committee Chair - Currently Wal and Jane Hick, who would like to step down. Consider taking this on.

Run Committee Members 4 - Consider serving the club this way only a few meetings and some coordination.

Social Committee Members 4 - Consider serving the club this way only a few meetings and some coordination.


Although these folks are happy to carry on, please feel free to nominate for any of the above positions, either prior to the meeting by email to me, or before the meeting begins. Even if you think you can't do it this year, consider helping one of the elected positions with a view to taking it on next time. So be there and support your club for another year.