Bathurst Breakfast at The Hub

Sun 16 June 2013
McDonalds Richmond Rail
6:30am for 7:00am start
Michael Soulos, 0413 113 399,
Rob Forsyth, 0408 470 921,

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The BreakFast Club Run is a Waypoint Run with a XH grading heading west across the Blue Mountains to Bathurst in June. This event starting at sunrise is the warm up for two consecutive dawn buster runs (Brass Monkey going South in July & Iceberg Run in August heading north) that are the high points of the roadster year. There are no planned BreakFast Club runs to the east unless somebody is able to obtain a bolt on modification from Queue at MI6 for their MX-5.

This BreakFast Club Run is to The Hub a café in Bathurst that has won best regional cafe in New South Wales awards, highly rated in the Good Food Guides and more importantly awarded the Best Breakfast Cafe in Australia 2011. The Hub is a destination well worth a drive of less than two hour on a crisp winter’s morning.

The route shown in the Google Map is the preferred route of 150km through Tarana, O’Connell and the Oberon Road up to Great Western Highway then into Bathurst. Whether we take this route is dependent upon the frost forecasts for the day. If it has been raining or there is frost forecast along the preferred route we will drive 140km on the GWH as a precautionary measure. The cars will regroup in Lithgow before the GWH before deciding on the road to Bathurst, Run Organiser’s call.

If frost concerns cause the abandonment the preferred route to Bathurst, then we will reroute the return trip after brekkie to include the Tarana O’Connell Road by-passing the run through Oberon and Lowes Mount Road so as not to miss this fantastic section of MX-5 road.

After breakfast and a slow running of The Mountain the route heads south on quiet and challenging back roads through Wisemans Creek then back up to Tarana through either Oberon or O’Connell depending on what route is used on the way out to Bathurst.

RSVP: The Hub has asked us to pre-book to get everyone served as quick as possible. The BreakFast Club has reserved 30 spots for brekkie at this point in time. A final call to the restaurant on the Thursday before the event will confirm the anticipated numbers. To minimise any hassle, everybody is asked to put their name on the list on the Forum and record from The Hub’s menu their breakfast’s main order. The menu is attached and we have numbered each item on the menu for our identification purposes. What we need from you when you record your name on the thread is to nominate the number allocated for your breakfast off the linked menu and note if you will have a passenger.