Beresfield to Gloucester River Wines-Run

Sun 16 June 2024
Hungry Jacks 2 Kinta Drive Beresfield.
9:00am for a 9:30 start
Glenn Hawkins, Contact details on confirmation e-mail
Denise Birrell
$25 per person for the wine sampling and Grazing Platters
Run Style
Convoy Run
Run Grading

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Come and Join Denise and Glenn for a lazy Sunday drive to Gloucester

 We will meet up at Hungry Jacks Beresfield and head out via the scenic roads to Clarence Town Lions Park for a BYO morning tea. 

after morning tea has concluded we will head across to the Buckett's Way and wind our way to The Gloucester River Winers to sample their wines and enjoy a relaxing lunch.

 Which includes wine tasting and lunch (grazing Platters) tea, coffee water (soft drink for the non-drinkers) with a farm tour thrown to finish off.

Cost $25 per person.

As this is short notice we are asking for bookings and payment ASAP (must be in by June 13th) 

BSB: 032-020


REFERENCE: HUNTER GLOS 1234 (Replace the 1234 with your member number)



Route Map