Black Cat, White Cat Cafe - Mulgoa Lunch

Thu 28 November 2019
Mount Keira Lookout (check the Google map link on the left for how to get there)
9:00 am for coffee before commencing the run at 10:00 am.
Wes & Lena Hill, 0422 035 893,

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 This event closes on Sunday 24th November

This run celebrates everything ‘Country’ – country roads, country scenery, country faire and food and even country music if you so desire, to play on your wonderful little car stereos!. This will be a relaxed run to enjoy all that is good about our wonderful countryside as well as to foster good conversations as we make our way to Mulgoa where we will luncheon at the Black Cat White Cat Café. 

The Café’s menu is extensive from Devonshire tea through to mouth watering lunches. And yes, the menu is vegetarian friendly with gluten free options.

For catering purposes we will need to know how many are coming so please fill out the booking form by clicking the 'Book now' button.

Click here for the menu.  It is a Facebook link, so if you are not on Facebook it may not work