Blue Poles Cafe & Gallery Run

Sat 14 September 2013
1) Port Macquarie Service Centre on Oxley Highway; 2) the big log outside Timbertown, Oxley Highway, Wauchope
10:15am for 10:30am start at Port Macquarie, 11:00am at Timbertown
Jodie Carty, 0407 362 891,

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For those from the north, meet at the "donut" - Port Macquarie Service Centre located on Oxley Highway Port Macquarie at 10:15 am for a 10:30am departure. Taking the Oxley Highway through Wauchope.

For those from the south, meet at the big log outside Timbertown on the Oxley Highway, Wauchope at 11:00am for 11:15am departure.

We'll continue on the Oxley Highway, then turn left onto the Comboyne Road for a leisurely run to the top of the hill to Comboyne. Short break to stretch the legs and back down the hill to Blue Poles Cafe & Gallery at Byabarra for lunch.

Return to Port Macquarie via Wauchope.

Please RSVP by 7 September so I can make the lunch reservation.

Looking forward to seeing you there!