Braidwood Mid-week

Wed 29 January 2020
The Big Green Cup, 23 Malbon St (Kings Highway), Bungendore (the cafe is in back corner of the Village Square, cnr Ellendon St, Bungendore (diagonally opposite Woodworks Cafe).
9.30 am
James & Giulia Schiemer, 0412 251 156 or 0428 777 231,

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We’re doing a mid-week run to Braidwood for shopping and lunch.

The long-term closure of the Kings Highway has severely impacted businesses from Bungendore to Batemans Bay, so we're going for a nice drive to help support the Bungendore and Braidwood communities (as well as have a little bit of fun).

This will be a waypoint run (see Club Guidelines here) which means that there is no run leader and no convoy; members make their own way with designated meeting points.

We'll meet at 9.30am for coffee at The Big Green Cup, 23 Malbon St (Kings Highway) in Bungendore. The cafe is in the back corner of the Village Square, cnr Ellendon St, Bungendore (diagonally opposite Woodworks Cafe). Parking is available behind the square, off Ellendon St, or on the main road.

Lunch has been booked for 1.00pm at The Albion Cafe, cnr Wallace St (Kings Highway) and Duncan St, Braidwood.

There should be plenty of time for shopping at either village (Giulia loves the Braidwood shops!) so bring your credit card (there's heaps to see and buy, including - if you haven't filled your display cabinets yet -'boys toys' at Car Models of Braidwood or Braidwood Outdoors).

Thank you for those who have registered for this run - we are now fully booked and cannot accept further registrations.

James& Giulia Schiemer: or 0412 251 156 or 0428 777 231.