Brass Monkey Postponed One Week

Sun 12 July 2015
Postponed to 19 July
Michael Soulos, 0413 11 33 99,

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BOM is predicting a significant weather event starting from Sunday with sub zero temperatures, frost, snow and ice predicted all along the Great Western Highway from the lower Blue Mountains to Bathurst. SES and RMS are recommending that people avoid driving in the Blue Mountains and Central Tablelands necessitating a postponement of the Brass Monkey Events for the first time in its 25 year history.

As it would be neither prudent nor responsible to chase the Brass Monkey in light of the warnings making the postponement is unavoidable. The next available date in the Club calendar is Sunday 19 July 2015 and the Brass Monkey will run from Eastern Creek at 6:00am next Sunday. In all other respects the breakfast and return runs will be the same including the RPM lunch.

We have at present 95 registrations or reservation of tickets for the event this Sunday. Anyone whose name appears below who does not intend joining the run on 19 July 2015 should contact Michael by email to or text message to 0413 11 33 99 if they wish to cancel and what they want done with any ticket money received. 

See below for links to all Brass Monkey events.

  1. Wayne Lang
  2. Cathy Lang
  3. Michael Soulos
  4. Michael Soulos +1
  5. Nigel Martin
  6. Nigel Martin +1
  7. Mark O'Brien
  8. Allan Chilcott
  9. Eddie Fong
  10. Steve Sharah
  11. Andrew Lord
  12. Stephen Lord
  13. Tom Tesareiro
  14. Ian Hong
  15. Kevin Hong
  16. Kevin Attrill
  17. Carole Attrill
  18. Robert Forsyth
  19. Mark Kavanagh
  20. Kareene Kavanagh
  21. Peter Battisson
  22. Jon Fox
  23. Gary Nobrega
  24. Peter Battisson
  25. R Legge
  26. V Legge
  27. Stewart Blowes
  28. Mick Buckler
  29. Pam Estriech
  30. Ray Estriech
  31. Heather Koory
  32. Dan Szwaj
  33. Lester Langford
  34. Graham Wakeman
  35. Sandra Wakeman
  36. Greg Bunn
  37. Lesa Bunn
  38. Kim Jacobs
  39. Mark Underwood
  40. Hella Underwood
  41. Jason Brown
  42. Amanda Jeffrey
  43. Greg Badger
  44. Madison Badger
  45. Chris Wyatt
  46. Barbara Wyatt
  47. Brad Robinson
  48. Ingrid Morgensen
  49. Phil Donnelley
  50. Gillian Fletcher
  51. Graham Fletcher
  52. Alan Voung
  53. Chris Rhodes
  54. Kim Godley
  55. Neal Parker
  56. Tom Van Dam
  57. Don McCormack
  58. Don McCormack +1
  59. Bryan Shedden
  60. Annie Alexander
  61. Peter Alexander
  62. Ian Miller
  63. Bernice Miller
  64. Greg Cox
  65. Jamie Collins
  66. Jill Lawrence
  67. David Boyes
  68. Lyn Davis
  69. Tom Cunneen
  70. Jane Cunneen
  71. Kerri Langworthy-Ward
  72. Paul Downe
  73. Sharon Bird
  74. Tammie Hotz
  75. Warren Hotz
  76. Robert Mussett
  77. Marsha Mussett
  78. Guy Coles
  79. Stephanie Katz
  80. David Pickford
  81. Jeanine Pickford
  82. Shane Lawson
  83. Con Mitsos
  84. Stephen Fisher
  85. Sheila Montgomery
  86. Stephen Fisher
  87. Dennis Chiswick
  88. Steve Hodges
  89. Jill Brown