Bruce's Country to Coast Charity Run

Sun 15 March 2015
BP Service Centre lower carpark Kinta Drive Beresfield NSW Northern end of F3 (M1)
8.00am for 8.30 am start
Bruce Bettinson, 0438641998,

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A early drive into the picturious Gloucester region for morning tea and then take on the winding roads across to Nabiac.

We will continue down the Pacific Highway to the Wootton turnoff where we will meet up with our neighbouring chapter from the Mid North Coast at 11:45 and then drive the "Nurbushring" (Wootton Way) to Bulahdelah. 

We will then travel to Seal Rocks via The Lakes Way and now a tarred road to take in the sights, before travelling on to the Pacific Palms Recreation Club where we will have lunch about 12:45 pm.

The run will finish after lunch and we will then make our respective ways home.


Being our 1st charity event a cost of $10 pp along with prizes and gold coin penalties on the day.

Please RSVP so we can have numbers for the lunch location.

Pacific Palms Recreation Club