Bungendore Ramble

Sun 17 March 2019
1) Annabel’s Café at Milton. Located next to carpark behind Milton Theatre (10am) and 2) Bayridge Drive, Batemans Bay (11am)
10 am at Milton, 11am at Batemans Bay
Brian & Anda Clayton, 0466 790 856, southcoast@mx5.com.au

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CAMS Permit No: 219/170310

Join us for a run to Bungendore for lunch. We will meet at Annabel’s. If you want to get there early you can have coffee and a scone before departure. We will travel down the highway to Batemans Bay, turning right at the roundabout, then first turn right (at second roundabout) to pick up our "further south" members. We then travel up to Bungendore arriving about midday. Lunch is booked at Café Woodworks at 1pm.

You will have time for a leg stretch and for a browse of some of the local attractions such as the Woodworks store and the second hand bookstore.

After lunch we will make our way home either back down the Kings Highway, or for the "not so far South" members, via Nerriga towards Nowra.

We need firm bookings for lunch by Monday 11 March.