Bungonia Double Loop - Picnic Run

Sat 17 October 2020
Mick Sherd Oval, Gibraltar Street, Bungendore
9.45 am for a 10.00 am start
Rod Nicholas, 0419 436 296, rod_nicholas@yahoo.com

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There’s not much happening at Bungonia, but that’s not the point of this run.

We’re off to spend some time in our cars, zooming through the countryside, roof down, warm wind blowing through our hair, listening to the hum of the exhaust, enjoying the ride and enjoying the company of our fellow Chapter members.

Our journey will start at Bungendore at the Mick Sherd Oval on Gibraltar Street. From there we will head to Tarago and on to Bungonia. ‘Bungonia is a tiny town made notable only by the presence of the oldest Roman Catholic church in Australia and the beautiful Bungonia State Recreation Area’ (https://www.aussietowns.com.au/town/bungonia-nsw). We won't have time to explore the reserve, but it shouldn’t take more than two minutes to explore the town.

From Bungonia we’ll head to Goulburn for a picnic lunch at Belmore Park. Cafes are nearby for coffee or food, and public toilets are available.

After lunch the plan is to return to Tarago and then, to complete the second loop, head on down Goulburn Road, chuck a leftie at the Kings Highway, and return to Bungendore.

That should see an easy 190 km.

Please do not attend if you have recently visited Greater Sydney or Victoria, or have been in close physical contact with persons from those locations. (See https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/community/travel for further information.)

The following Club 'COVID-19 Procedures' apply to this event:

  • each session is restricted to a maximum of 20 (twenty) financial members
  • members wishing to attend MUST register by email with the organisers
  • only participants who receive a return acknowledgement may attend
  • all current COVID-19 restrictions relevant to the jurisdiction must be complied with, including social distancing rules
  • all participants are strongly advised to have downloaded the COVID Safe App and are required to carry personal hand sanitiser
  • your registration for this event is your acknowledgement and agreement to abide by the current COVID-19 procedures and the Club’s current event requirements and regulations
  • all members must carry a face mask and must use it when social distancing cannot be maintained.

Further information on the Club’s ‘COVID-19 Procedures’ is available at http://nsw.mx5.com.au/news/covid-19-update2.

RSVP to rod Nicholas at rod_nicholas@yahoo.com.