Burn to Berrima

Fri 12 June 2020
Cambewarra Lookout
10:00 for 10:30 departure
Anda Clayton, 0418225749, southcoast@mx5.com.au
Brian Clayton, 0466790856, southcoast@mx5.com.au

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Sorry, but the run is now full. Another run coming soon!

It has been an age since we could get together for a social activity, so let's not waste any time. We plan to shake out the cob webs from our lovely little cars and have lunch at the Berrima pub (midday lunch sitting)

Anda and I will start from the Heritage Bakery on the highway at Milton at 9am, prabably after an early coffee. So anyone from the South can join us there for the run to Cambewarra Lookout where we plan morning coffee starting at 10am. Hopefully it will be a nice day for us to enjoy the view. Around 10:30 we will start the one hour run up to Berrima where we will have time for a short leg stretch before lunch. We have a booking for the mid day sitting (the second sitting is 1:30, perhaps a bit late for the return journey.

After lunch we will have plenty of time to browse the shops and visitor attractions in Berrima (hopefully most will be open by then)

Under current club rules for club runs, you must book by using the "Book Now" button and there is a limit of 10 persons on the run, so get in quick. At our last meeting 8 people indicated a definite desire to join our first run. Only members who receive a confirmation email will be allowed to attend (don't blame us, the government is making the rules)

Don't despair if you can't make this run, there is another run being planned for later in June to go South.