Cars, The Dish and Elvis! Forbes to Parkes Run

Fri 11 March 2022
3 days (11 March - 13 March)
Hungry Jacks – Haywards Bay
7:30am for 8am start
Senia Gaunson & Bob Downing , 0403 158 708,

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We’ll be gate crashing part of the South Coasties run, meeting them in Goulburn and then heading onto Forbes on a nostalgia run to the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.  Memories of Man’s Landing on the Moon, Elvis and music of the era and 50’s and 60’s Cars. 

Day 1 – Head off from Haywards Bay to Goulburn, where we’ll stop for refreshments and a comfort break.  Here we’ll join our South Coast friends at around 10am and continue on to Boorowa for lunch and then onto Forbes, where we’ll have a look around and check into The Plainsman Motel, our home for the next 2 nights.

Some well deserved afternoon drinks after a 450km drive, at the motel and dinner at Club Forbes, directly opposite the motel to finish off the day.

Day 2 – Not a lot of distance driving but SO MUCH TO SEE! 

9am We’ll be off bright and early this morning, for a personal tour by Bill McFeeter, of the McFeeter car museum, which Bob has organised for us, followed by a photo opportunity with all our beautiful cars, so don’t forget your polishing cloths!

11 – 11.30am Off to Parkes for lunch, followed by a visit to the Henry Parkes Centre, which houses the Elvis Museum as well as a Cars and Farm Machinery Museum

2.30pm we’ll head on a short drive north to the CSIRO to see “The Dish”, which was involved in transmitting the Moon Walk to the world fromApollo 11 in July 1969.

Drinks and snacks at the motel will be followed by dinner at a place to be determined closer to the time.

Day 3 – Drive home which could incorporate the Cowra Gardens, Eugowra murals etc. depending on interest, or you can make your own, leisurely way home.


2 night’s accommodation (11th and 12th)has been reserved by Bob Downing at The Plainsman Motel Forbes.

10 rooms have been reserved for MX5 Illawarra, book direct on 68522466 by quoting Senia Gaunson, MX5 Illawarra, which Bob Downing has secured for us at a good  price ($125 - $135).  Bookings must be made by 18th February 2022.