Central West. From GO to WOAH

Sat 20 August 2022
Lithgow Workies 3-7 Tank St. Lithgow 2790
8.30 am for a 9.30 am start
Chris Wyatt, 0428604138, cwyatt@bigpond.com

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We know we are starting from Lithgow and heading west trying to stay off the highway visiting places like Portland and Sunny Corner. At this moment the full route is yet to be finalised.  Barbara and I will be busy up there next week working out the best fun route.

We already have great interest.

This run will be around 150 Km out and the return run is up to you. Officially an L class but for those new members we will be cruising. You set the pace but there will be plenty of comfort stops available.

Please RSVP as soon as possible so I can develop the route to suit and book venues. 

Members who wish to join this run must RSVP the Run Leader by August 13.

Those of you who wish to travel together from Penrith area please contact me on 0428604138