Christmas Lunch and Presentations

Sat 11 December 2021
Yowani Country Club
12 noon for 12.30 pm
Peter & Annemie Wilson, ‭0402 248 553‬,

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Christmas Lunch with Chapter Presentations

The year once more
Is near the end
Our MX-5s
Turn one more bend
We'll raise a glass
To bid farewell
To another year
Of Covid Hell!

We're back at the Yowani Country Club. 

This event will wrap up our year, and this lunch date is one you will want to be part of. You're guaranteed to have a good time, in great company.

Trophies for Member of the Year, New Member of the Year and Motorsport Member of the Year will be awarded along with lots of lucky door prizes. 

We will enjoy a three course meal and hopefully, with the easing of restrictions to one person per 2 square metres, we will be able to have more than 80 attend. Please contact us if you have special dietary requirements.

Once again, the Club is contributing to the cost for financial members; the cost to members is $35 per person and $60 for visitors.

To book your place at the table:

  • register your attendance with Peter & Annemie at 
  • deposit the appropriate amount into the bank account - details are:
    • Account: Mazda MX-5 Club of New South Wales
    • BSB: 062 401
    • Account Number: 10080286
    • Reference: your surname, member number, CBR lunch - e.g. 'Nerk 7788 CBR lunch'
  • send an email to to confirm your payment.

We hope we can see you there!