Club Motorkhana - Round 2

Sun 06 August 2017
Sydney Motorsport Park Skidpan
David Lawler, 0403 070 644,

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This motorkhana day is intended to cater for drivers who are inexperienced in car control and to provide them with a fun set of motorkhana style challenges to test and develop their skills, as well as offering some tricky bits for more experienced drivers. It is also the 1st event of 3 comprising the club motorkhana championship series in 2017.

The motorkhana is being held at the Sydney Motor Sport Park skidpan. This is a large flat concrete area which provdes plenty of space for any mistakes, and the surface will be watered through the day to provide a low grip surface and so minimise wear and tear on cars and tyres.

A number of experienced club members will be on hand to provide one-on-one support to the participants.

As this event will be run under a CAMS permit, club members will need to hold a CAMS L2NS, L2S or better license, or apply for a one-day CAMS L1 license. The L1 license is available to those who have not previously held a CAMS license.

Entries are now open. Please first read the Information sheet linked below, then login to the CAMS Event Entry site.

  • Open the CAMS Event Entry site (link below)
  • Click the link "Entrants login"
  • Login to the CAMS site via the "Member Portal".
    If you have not registered for a CAMS login, but already have a CAMS licence, click on "Retreive Password" and you will be sent a temporary password for your existing CAMS ID (as per your licence).
    If you haven't registered for a CAMS login, and do not have a CAMS licence, please register a new account via the "New to CAMS?, Register here" link. You don't need to have a CAMS license yet to register for a login.
  • Click on "CAMS EVENT ENTRY" from the list of links on the left.
  • Click on the "CAMS EVENT ENTRY" logo, or the "GO" button beside it
  • If this is your first visit to the CAMS Event Entry site, please enter your personal details and car info via the links on the left. I strongly advise you first watch the video tutorials available via the link "How to Enter".
    If you are registering on CAMS Event Entry or have previously registered, make sure your club membership number and expiry date are valid, otherwise you will be charged the full entry fee without the club member discount.
  • When you have provided your details, click the "Quick Enter Now" link
  • From the "Event" drop down list, select the "MX-5 Club of NSW - Motorkhana - 20th May 2017"
  • Complete your entry as directed in the video tutorials.
  • For dual-entered cars, the 2nd driver must also register and enter, the same as the 1st driver. Please indicate the name of the other driver in the "Comments" box.