Dine with a Chef! 2022

Wed 19 October 2022
Hungry Jacks Haywards Bay
5 pm
Phil Reid, 0417 260 766

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Join us for dinner at Wollongong TAFE TwentyTwenty Training Restaurant where your taste buds will be tempted by the Chefs and hoteliers of tomorrow, while they hone their skills. 

Phil will lead us to Wollongong TAFE hospitality campus, where we will be treated to 3 surprising courses, as well as wine and beer, all for $35! Bookings are essential, so get in early!

Please direct deposit $35 (or $70 for 2) to MX-5 account (see below) when you book so we can pay the Restaurant in one bill. Thank you.

BSB: 062401
Account: 10080286
Reference: CHEF1234 (where "1234" is your member number)