Donelle's Dry Run - Megalong Valley

Sun 22 February 2015
Carpark behind Glenbrook Visitors Centre off Ross St Glenbrook
8:00am for 8:30am leave
Lesa Bunn, 0423 276 152,
$10 per person for cheese & wine tasting

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Donelle's Dry Run will offer a bit of something for everyone.

The run will leave Glenbrook visitors Centre at 8:30am. Please convene at 8:00am for an 8:30am leave. Mid and Upper mountains members please meet at Summerhayes Park, Hawkesbury Road Winmalee at 8:30am for a pickup at approx 8:45am.

From Glenbrook we will be first heading to morning tea at Bilpin and then there will be two options. Option 1: Fruit picking  at Shields Orchard (small entry fee) or Option 2: Visit to the Hawkesbury Radio Museum, entry $10. Each option will last 1 hour.

The run will then convene again at Shields Orchard for Stage two to Dryridge Estate winery in the beautiful Megalong Valley with an eta of approx 1pm. At Dryridge we will be having a picnic style antipasto lunch. The winery will supply cheese platters and wine tasting for $10 per head. All attendees should bring some form of antipasto to share with the group for lunch.

PLEASE NOTE: There is approx 2.5km of dirt road into Dryridge Estate. Donelle has done a reccie and sans the dust, it is perfectly traversible for an MX-5

There is also an optional early dinner at Piedmont Inn Pizza Restaurant (pasta/Italian). Please RSVP if you wish to stay on for the dinner.

Please RSVP to if you are coming on the run and you will be emailed the run sheets. Please print them off and bring them with you on the day.