Down Under Run -Australia Day at Cordeaux Dam

Sun 26 January 2014
Mulgoa Park Cnr Mulgoa and Littlefield Roads, Mulgoa
Lesa Bunn, 0423 276 152,

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"Flaming Hell" its nearly Australia Day 2014 already - Don't have a "Barry Crocker", time for all good RPM folk to dust off the "Malvern Star" and join "ya mates" for the Australia Day run to Cordeaux Dam to have a Captain Cook for our Sydney and Illawarra mates so that they are not there on their "Pat Malone".

Please convene at Mulgoa park, Mulgoa at 8.30am for a 8.45 leave heading to Cordeaux via some of the great roads through the back of Picton for an ETA at Cordeaux Dam at 10am.  BBQ’s are available at the dam to "char some mystery bags" but there's no where to purchase a "dogs eye and dea orse" so all other items are BYO - including the Fly Squatters.