Exit at Exeter Run

Sun 13 November 2022
Eastern Creek McDonalds (West Bound)- M4 Motorway
6:00am for 6:30 Departure
Brett Hardey, 0409365554, brett.hardey@obrienglass.com.au

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Once again the "New Norm" has meant there have been some interruptions to the runs this year. On top of that the weather we have experienced all along the east coast has been very destructive to our roads and made them not as nice to drive along or in some cases not passable at all.

So having said that I am "trying to play it safe for our last run and use some roads where I have an idea of their condition, while still making it a great run. 

The Exit at Exeter Run will take us from the M4 truck stop to a Brekky Club favourite The Exeter Post Office for what is always a great Coffee and Hot Brekky.

When we "Exit Exeter" after breakfast the run will take us through Berrima and back onto the Hume for a quick run home.

This will close out the Breakfast Club Runs until 2023 so make sure you don't miss it.