Fly away with Phil – HARS 2022

Wed 09 November 2022
HARS Café Car Park, grounds of Shellharbour City Airport
9:30 a.m.
Phil Belcher and Senia Gaunson, Senia 0403 158 708 Phil: 0437 812 900

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We’ll meet in the museum and 747 café car park, in the grounds of the Shellharbour City Airport, at 9.30 am for a 10.00am morning tea and look around the memorabilia in the gift shop. If you are coming from the north you turn into the airport off the Princes Hwy. onto Airport Road in Albion Park Rail. Coming from the south you can turn onto Hargraves Ave. then onto Boomerang Ave. in Albion Park Rail. Each of these roads will lead you to the museum and café.
At 11.00 am we will re-group and meet our guide for a tour of the museum. On the tour you will be walking through operational hangers, be able to get up close and personal with the aeroplanes and even explore some of them, including Connie the Super Constellation and of course the Qantas 747 Jumbo.
The cost for the museum tour with a guide is $25 pp. and $20 pp concession and children $10 with kids under 5 free.This will need to be paid on the day.

Depending on the time available there may be an opportunity to explore the 747 Jumbo closer by doing a ‘Wing Walk’. This will be at an additional cost of $45pp.

After the museum tour, we will regroup and head to the Albion Park Hotel for lunch and refreshments. This has been booked for 1pm.

Please book by no later than Monday 31 st October so tour guides and catering can be organised with HARS.