Gundy Run in Spring

Sun 16 March 2025
Morpeth Common - 33 Edward St, Morpeth NSW 2321
8:45am for 9:30am Start
Chris Cameron, Contact details will be advised via booking form confirmation e-mail.
John Purcell
Run Style
Convoy Run
Run Grading

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There will be two meeting points for this run.
The first will be starting from Morpeth Common and will be preceded by B.Y.O. morning tea before we commence the run. Arriving around 8:45am will give us plenty of time for morning tea before departure at 9:30am

Our route will take us along the northern side of the Hunter River to Singleton before we do some looping diversions to and from the New England Hwy finally crossing it to head to Dartbrook and then off to Gundy for lunch at 12:30.

The run will be using a Navigation point system so please bring a navigator or phone in case the convoy gets split up.

 Ps. Please book by Wednesday the 13th of March so we can allow for booking the pub.

Meet Point 1 ....33 Edward St Morpeth

