Hill End Run

Fri 25 October 2019
4 days (25 October - 28 October)
8.30 am for a 9.00 am start
James & Giulia Schiemer, 0412251156, jimmy4jewels@gmail.com

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Hill End: a step back in time. Home of gold rushes, gold robbers, and (just a little up the road) solid gold wineries. Of late, home to a thriving community and artists’ retreat. 

James and Giulia will lead the run to Hill End via Bathurst along wonderful winding MX-friendly roads and through good old Aussie bushland. Hill End is known as 'a well-preserved colonial goldmining town' - at the peak of the gold rush period in the 1870s, the town had 28 pubs, an oyster bar and a kilometre of colourful shopfronts. Some of the shops still stand (and with a bit of luck, there will be at least one pub left). We'll get the opportunity to wander the dusty streets and explore the old mine relics in the Hill End Historic Site. 

A side trip on Saturday will take us to nearby Sofala for lunch, and on Sunday we'll zoom-zoom off to Mudgee for a spot of wine tasting (or maybe a visit to the brewery).

Come and enjoy a great drive and great company over a long, long weekend.

Please note: Due to limited accommodation availability there is a strict limit to the number of spots on this run. But fortunately for you, we have a ONE place still available. Get in quick if you want to be part of this special trip.