Hillclimb Ringwood

Sun 19 April 2020
Ringwood Motorsport Complex
Barry Luttrell, 0411231107, eventsec@mx5.com.au

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This event is now postponed to a date to be determined - paid entry fees will be refunded.

Join us for a unique Hill Climb Event to be held in conjunction with Natmeet 2020 which has attracted participants from interstate. Competitors participating in Natmeet 2020 will be joining other club members in a competition of quickest up the hill and around the Ringwood Hill Climb course. This is the only scheduled Hill Climb for 2020, so use the opportunity to try something different to our usual track days and super sprints. We will be using Track A5 or A6 for this event.

The number of competitors will be strictly limited to a low number to ensure that all entrants get sufficient runs for a fun, exciting and satisfying track day.

For the first time we will be using split timing so you can analyse each of your runs to continuously improve your times during the event.

Being a one off, this event, does not provide points to our motorsport championship program and does not reference our NSW technical rules for classes of cars. Classes of car will be

·         Standard unmodified road registered cars

·         Modified road registered car

·         Turbo or supercharged, registered or not registered and purpose built track cars


Entry Fee & Payment

The preferred method of payment is by direct deposit. Please be sure to include the reference number provided by the entry system when performing the bank transfer, so we can identify your payment.

Entering this event

Entry is via our online system.

If you are new to the MX-5 Club's event entry system, you are strongly advised to read this guide first:
How to use the MX-5 Club's Event Entry System.

If you are a member of the MX-5 Club of NSW who has not joined the club recently, you can enter online via the link below.

If you are a new member who joined the club recently, OR you are not a member of the MX-5 Club of NSW, you must contact the event secretary so you can be registered with the online entry system. Please send an email to eventsec@mx5.com.au with your name, address, phone number, email address and the date of the event you wish to enter. If you are a MX-5 Club of NSW member, also please include your membership number. The event secretary will then email back to you within a few days, with details on how you can enter the event.


Additional information is available on the following links: