Hunter Christmas Picnic - 2019
The day will start with a morning tea run arriving at Valentine Hydro Pool at about 12:30pm for snacks and a chat.
We will have the pool to ourselves from 12:30 to 2:30pm after which a late lunch will be served.
Reindeer games and prizes to be won.
All snack foods, Christmas meats, prawns and utensils. Payable in advance.
NO GLASS OF ANY KIND ALLOWED IN POOL AREA. So please decant drinks into plastic if possible.
Cost per head will be $10 for members and $15 for guests
Direct deposit into club bank account BSB: 062401 Account: 10080286
Members Reference:Hunter (member number) eg. "Hunter 1234".
Visitors Reference:Hunter (Family Name) eg. "Hunter Smith".
Please Book by the 1st of December