Hunter Convenors BBQ

Sat 19 January 2019
Hunter Region Botanic Gardens 2100 Pacific Hwy, Heatherbrae NSW 2324
Barry Luttrell, 0411 231 107

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Our annual Convenors picnic will be held at the Hunter Botanical Gardens at Heatherbrae partly sponsored by the MX-5 Club of NSW.

Located in a fully screened area with seats, tables, plates etc provided.

Join  Barry and Jenny celebrating our new MX-5 year, also 2018 Member of the Year and New Member of the Year. 

The picnic will be fully catered providing sandwiches, wraps and tea or coffee provided.  Bring any additional drinks you might like. Soft drinks can be purchased at the cafe.

We will also be having a display of our cars at the gardens with a fun show and shine.


Please indicate any specific dietary requirements on the booking form.



Members $10 Visitors $10 - payable in advance by 12 January 2019.

Direct deposit into club bank account BSB: 062401 Account: 10080286

Members Reference:Hunter (member number) eg. "Hunter 1234".

Visitors Reference:Hunter (Family Name) eg. "Hunter Smith".

Please Book by the 12th January 2019 for catering purposes.