Hunter Dinner Meeting

Thu 13 October 2016
Club Macquarie 458 Lake Road, Argenton NSW 2284
6.00pm for Dinner 7.00pm for Meeting
Josh Fitzgerald & Lindsay Green, 0404 009 304 or 0422 470 118,

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This is the Hunter Chapters monthly club meeting. Find out information about what is happening lately in the Hunter Chapter with upcoming events, hear reports on recent events, talks about MX-5s and general club discussions.

Join us at Club Macquarie early at 6:00pm for dinner and a chat with your fellow club members before the meeting starts at 7:00pm.


October is also the annual election of Hunter Volunteers. 

Run Leaders - The majority of our run committee are keen to stay on for another year, but we are also looking to add more members to help spread the load and continue the momentum built so far. If you have an idea for runs and events that you would like to put into action, then please get in touch with us to find out what is involved in being a Hunter Run Leader.

Regalia - After putting in a huge year setting up our new regalia, Rachel is stepping back from this role next year (thanks for volunteering your time in various roles over the past years). Rachel has done a great job in setting up the framework in order for someone else to easily step into the role. This role involves sales, record keeping and quarterly ordering of regalia. This role requires an understanding of Excel.

If you are interested in volunteering for the chapter (or the NSW club) please get in touch.