Hunter Mid Week in the Mountains

Thu 14 January 2016
Beresfield Hungry Jacks, John Renshaw Drive, Beresfield NSW 2322
9:30am for a 10:00am leave
Karl Mittman, 0407 313 611 (please sms),

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Join us for the first Hunter Chapter mid week run of 2016.

This time we will be heading for the hills of Buladelah. Meet at the usual spot of the Beresfield BP Service Centre carpark for a coffee and briefing before making our way along the Williams river to Seaham and Clarencetown, then heading for the hills of Bulahdelah.

Booral Road has been re-surfaced and will be the highlight of the run as you climb over the twisty mountain pass and drop down into Bulahdelah for a hearty lunch at the Plough Inn Hotel.

After lunch, the run will be in your own time back the way we came over the mountain towards Clarencetown or you can take the low road down the Pacific Highway back to Newcastle.

Dont forget, there is a club meeting at Club Macquarie on the night. We'd love to see you all turn up and fills us poor workers who can't make the mid week runs in on the details over dinner!