Illawarra Run to 25th Anniversary of Motorsport

Sun 23 October 2022
Hungry Jacks Haywards Bay.
9.00am. Departure time will be 9.30am.
Jeff and Pam Rowe, 0419405877

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The date has been set and venue has been organised. All that is need now is for us to get along to the Pheasant Wood Circuit in Marulan.

This is a day that has been a long time in the planning and the organisers are excited about what they have in store for those that come along to help make this a celebration to remember. There will be free gifts, lunch, a car parade, racing and a raffle where some lucky ones amongst those attending will have the chance to win a Hot Lap with one of the champion drivers. Proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the club’s charity ‘Careflight’.

Our run will leave from Haywards Bay at 9.30am. We’ll go earlier if all those who register for the run come early. It has been suggested that a good time to arrive at Pheasant Wood would be around 11.00am. It should take us a little less than one and a half hours to travel there. Free Coffee will be available when we arrive.

Click here to check out all that is planned for the day and register to attend using the 'Book now' button.

To make that clear you will need to register twice ..... first to attend the track and then register to attend the Illawarra run.

Register here to join the Illawarra run. We will be excited to have you come with us and to see all those that we’ll meet on the day.

So that we know how many will join us please RSVP by Friday 21st October.