"It's Been a While" Hill End Run

Sun 30 August 2020
Glenbrook Cinema Carpark - Ross Street Glenbrook. Toilet and Coffee facilities available
7am for an 7:30 Start
Lesa Bunn, 0423276152, lesagreg@gmail.com
Greg Bunn, 0423276152, lesagreg@gmail.com

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RSVP by 23rd Aug to Lesa at lesagreg@gmail.com

Its Been A While is all about going back to visit one of our favourite RPM destinations and some of our favourite roads that we haven’t been on for some time. The run will start early from Glenbrook with a morning tea stop along the way to our lunch destination at Hill End. Due to COVID morning tea and lunch will be BYO so bring something to share for morning tea.

Please ensure you bring warm clothes.

Please note that due to COVID restrictions you must pre-register and the maximum number for this run is 20 financial club members.

By RSVPing  to this event you are acknowledging and agreeing to abide by the current COVID-19 procedures and the Club’s current event requirements and regulations.