Jindabyne Anti Freeze Weekend Away

Sat 19 March 2016
3 days (19 March - 21 March)
Haywards Bay Hungry Jacks
7:00 am for 7:30 am departure
Anda & Brian Clayton, 0466 790 856, illawarramx5@hotmail.com
Motel is $90 per night

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Join us on a 3-day run to the Snowy Mountains. As it is in March, we hope there will be no snow or need for anti-freeze.

Day 1 - Getting there

After departing we will travel to Milton for morning tea, then on to Narooma for lunch. (Ciccios surfbeach Cafe) Then on to Jindabyne via Pambula and Bombala, a true MX-5 dream road!

At night we meet up with Canberra chapter for dinner in Jindabyne.

Day 2 - Sunday

A day tour of Khancoban, Cabramurra, Kiandra, Eucumbene River Valley, Adaminaby is planned. Some may prefer to travel home on Sunday if the poor sods have work on Monday.

 In more detail, the trip goes via Berridale, then Adaminaby where we pick up stuff for lunch. The road then goes up Sawyers Hill and down into Eucumbene River Valley, through Kiandra, Cabramurra, Tumut Pondage then Cattlemen’s Hut for lunch. Lunch will be had at one of the picturesque picnic spots along the road, so bring thermos / drinks, or pick up suplies at Adaminaby on the way through or pack lunch before you go.  Then on to Tooma Pondage, Khancoban, Murray 1 Power Station, (afternoon tea) Scammel Spur lookout, Geehy Swampy Plain, Tom Groggin, Thredbo and home.

Click the link below for a map of Sunday excursion made by Brendan ... as accurate as he could make it. 

Sunday Drive Map

Day 3 - Return home

For those who stay until Monday the return journey will to Queanbeyan, then stopping for lunch at  Tarrago. From there people may like to find their own way home, depending on which direction they are heading. Most of the Illawarra crew know the well worn path home via Nowra or Bungonia.



Book your accomodation directly at the Banjo Patterson Inn, (02) 6456 2372 for one or two nights, according to your intentions, it should cost $90 a couple per night includes breakfast, mention the MX-5 Club too.  

Coming? Please click on the 'book now'  button and fill out the short form.  Remember to press the

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button when you have finished.