Kangaroo Valley Twilight Run

Sat 02 January 2021
McDonald's Albion Park
4pm for a 4:30pm start
Bryan Shedden, 0422 340010 , membership@mx5.com.au

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Kick off the new year with a late afternoon drive through the beautiful southern highlands to Kangaroo Valley for dinner at the pub. In previous years with this run, we've contended with heavy fog, torrential thunderstorms, bushfire and searing heat. You can read all about those adventures here and here. Apart from COVID, we're wondering what natural disaster we'll encounter in 2021.

Our run will start at Albion Park and climb Macquarie Pass. We'll take the delightful Tourist Road to Glenquarry before heading back to Robertson via Kangaloon. Finally we'll pass through Myra Vale and descend to Kangaroo Valley via Barrengarry Pass. Dinner will be at The Friendly Inn at Kangaroo Valley and we're booked for 6:30pm. We have the covered marquee outside which can accept up to 80 people under the current COVID rules. Please "Book Now" so that we can confirm numbers. See the links below for more information about the Pub and to view the Bistro Menu. 

IMPORTANT UPDATE 31 December: In order to comply with the Public Health Order of 30th December, our starting point has been moved to McDonald's Albion Park, which is within the Shellharbour LGA and therefore not subject to the 30 person limit for outdoor gatherings. The hotel at Kangaroo Valley requires that all attendees MUST check the latest COVID-19 case locations and confirm they have not attended them during the indicated dates/times. If you need to get tested and/or isolate, then you must NOT attend the run.