Mountain Ramble

Thu 31 March 2022
4 days (31 March - 03 April)
Rest stop, Princes Highway, Bewong (opposite Bewong cafe and garage)
8:00 am
Anda Clayton, 0418225749,
Brian Clayton, 0466790856,

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Mountain Ramble

This run is strictly capped to 11 cars due to accommodation restrictions. We are sorry but that limit has now been reached.


Join us for a ramble through the NSW and Victorian High Country for some great MX5 driving and spectacular autumn scenery.

Following on from various Snowy Mountains and Victorian High Country runs, this year we are trying a combination of both.

Starting at the Bewong rest stop we will travel through Nerriga and Tarago before morning tea at Bungendore. From there we will drive through Murrumbateman to Yass for a lunch stop. After lunch it is a leisurely drive past the dog on the tuckerbox to Tumut for the night. We will be staying at the Amaroo Motel located close to the town centre and an easy walk to dinner.

Day 2 will be spent in the mountains driving along the edge of the Snowy Mountains through Tumbarumba, along the Murray River through Corryong, for morning tea, Tallangatta and Mount Beauty, for lunch and on to Omeo in the Victorian High Country. We will be staying overnight in the “Snug As A Bug” motel.

Day 3 sees us starting the return journey, this time through Mitta Mitta for morning tea, Corryong for lunch then back into the mountains through Khancoban, Cabramurra, Adaminaby and on to Cooma for the night where we will stay at Nebula Motel. .

Day 4 presents options for the trip home either to Canberra, then through Nerriga or Batemans Bay to the coast or down Browns Mountain and the Bega Valley. Perhaps we will form two mini convoys.



We have reserved a number of rooms at each of the motels. You must make your own booking at 1 of the motels:

  • Amaroo Motel, Tumut: Phone 69477200;   executive queen rooms $140 (standard queen rooms have very tight parking)

Please quote Anda Clayton MX5 Club when making your booking.

  • Please  note: There is no need for members to phone Omeo’s Snug as a Bug Motel -  $130 per double or Nebula Motel -  $150 or $170 per double


Morning Tea stops


Corryong: (pick one)

Mitta Mitta:

Lunch Stops

Yass:  (Yes, it is a bakery)

Mount Beauty: (pick one)

Corryong: (try a different one to last time)


There are many options for dinner in Tumut, we have tried the Royal Hotel around the corner from the motel and it was a good pub dinner. Omeo has limited options and we have made a group booking at the hotel. Cooma has many options for dinner and the motel is located close to the town centre.

Note: Canberra chapter members can join the run at Bungendore, Sydney chapter members can join at Bungendore for morning tea or Yass for lunch. Illawarra members have a number of choices, either the start location, Bungendore or a morning run up through the Highlands to Yass for lunch.