MX-5 Brass Monkey Return Run 2013

Sun 14 July 2013
Outside the Goulburn Soldiers Club following breakfast
9.45am for 10.00am start
Michael Soulos, 0413 113 399,

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The MX-5 Brass Monkey Return run is an official event of the MX-5 Club of NSW that starts after breakfast outside the Goulburn Soldiers Club. All entrants in the running of the Brass Monkey are invited to participate in the Return Run around the Wakefield Park Long Circuit on quiet country back roads around the Southern Tablelands south of Goulburn. The run is planned to last about two hours that should see everyone having lunch at Marulan or Berrima by 1:00pm. More Information will be posted on this page in June that will include a Google Map with directions and details.