MX-5 Cup - Round 3

Sun 03 June 2018
Wakefield Park
Verne Johnson, 0408 973 799,
David Lawler, 0403070644,

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Update: the event is open!

The MX-5 Cup is a race series open to all MX-5 Club members, and is intended as a safe and fun competition, particularly suitable as the first racing experience for drivers coming from track days or supersprints.

This round is hosted by the MX-5 Club of NSW and races will be dispersed throughout the Club Track Day activities.

More information about the MX-5 Cup series is available here.

For details about how to enter, go here.

As many of you will remember, at the MX-5 Club MX-5 Cup round, we do not use Dorian transponders.
You will be provided with the appropriate type on transponder on the day.
Don't forget!