
Fri 01 April 2022
3 days (01 April - 03 April)
McDonald's Dickson Cnr Badham St & Dickson Pl Dickson, ACT
6am for a 6.30am start
Andrew Lord, 0414 323 726,

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April will see the annual enthusiasts’ pilgrimage to the Victorian High Country and Snowy Mountains, on a 2-night 3 day run that will start from Canberra on Friday 1st April 2022, hosted by the BreakFast Club.
Canberra is around 3-hours’ drive from Sydney and those participating will have the option of either driving down sometime on Thursday, or having a very early start on Friday (not recommended). This year we have planned 3 days over some of the best MX-5 driving roads in the country, with everybody responsible for making their own arrangements for accommodation at our nominated motel; or wherever you wish to bunk down for the night close by.


If you are starting from Sydney, you can expect to log up around 2000km on your odometer over three days with special sections and transition stages each day. This annual event has sections of road ranging from highways and A & B Class roads, to Hard and Very Hard challenging alpine and forest roads. The MX2022 is a waypoint run and not for novice drivers; having early starts on runs of around 500km behind the wheel each day, to take in some fantastic and scenic driving sections of road.
Breakfast and dinner will be our main sit-down meals, with coffee and light refreshments in between each day. We will have Stop Rest Survive breaks at our usual haunts, but are open to any suggestions for a new refreshment stop en route or for a meal.

Day 1 Friday 1st April 2022 will see us head from Canberra to Adaminaby for breakfast, then we will have the chance of driving some special MX-5 road sections featuring:

1. Adaminaby to Tumbarumba – featuring Elliots Way (a 5-star road) and back roads into Tumbarumba for fuel.
2. Jingellic – Granya – Koetung. Backroads from Tumbarumba to Jingellic (4 stars) set the scene for a dramatic drive along Granya Road (5 stars) with its superb riverside scenery and brilliant twists and turns. The loop will close off with a rest stop at Koetung Hotel for some much needed R&R.

Day 2 Saturday 2nd April 2022 will see us drive the best one-day run used by the BreakFast Club that features the following special MX-5 roads: -

3. Mt Beauty to Bright via Tawonga Gap Rd (5 stars). A veritable delight with every conceivable challenge thrown into a 22km stretch of road.  
4. The ascent up to Mt Hotham from Harrietville - 5 star climb in a MX-5, with 400 turns of the steering wheel in 30km.
5. The full-blown Omeo Highway experience that starts with the washing machine and morphs into a road that snakes its way down the valleys to Mitta Mitta for around 155km of relentless twist and turns- 5 star plus MX-5 road.

Day 3 Sunday 3rd April 2022 will see the run back to Sydney. We plan to return over Snowy Mountains via The Alpine Way (a 5-star road). After breakfast in Jindabyne, participants are free to chart their own course back to Old Sydney Town either as a collective or lone ranger.


Dickson, ACT – Thursday 31st March 2022 (optional)
There are many motels available in and around Dickson – the Quality Hotel is a good choice.

Colac Colac Caravan Park, Colac Colac – Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd April 2022
Please contact Melissa on 02 6076 1520 for bookings. Alternatively you are free to book your own accommodation close by.

MX-5 Club  of NSW COVID-19 protocols apply to this event. More information can be found in the news section of the MX-5 Club of NSW website.

For more information regarding this event please contact Andrew on 0414 323 726 or email Attendees will be regularly updated on the list below.

  1.      Andrew Lord
  2.      Brett Hardey
  3.      Brad Robinson
  4.      Steve Lord
  5.      Michael Soulos
  6.      Peter Battisson
  7.      Rob Forsyth
  8.      David Lowen
  9.      Steve Connolly
  10.   Phil Donnelley