Not NatMeet Run

Sun 21 February 2016
Beresfield Hungry Jacks, John Renshaw Drive, Beresfield NSW 2322
8:30am for a 9:00am start
Jenny & Barry Luttrell, 0411231107,

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Whilst the remainder of our Chapter is at NatMeet, please join us on a local fun run through the beautiful Hunter Valley foothills. The run has something for everyone with easy driving and scenic sections and a couple of more challenging sections included. The run is mainly on secondary roads, and does not include freeways, so is good for all drivers including provisional license holders. Adequate time is allocated for sightseeing.

We travel via Beresfield, Duckenfield, Morpeth, Clarence Town and on to Dungog via Glen William and Pine Brush Rds. This is a nice country drive through historic towns and great scenery. 

From here we make our way to Hunter Valley Gardens for lunch via Bingleburra Rd, Maitland Vale Rd, and Wine Country Drive.  This is a selection of MX5 roads with mostly good surface with a share of tight corners, climbs and drops through the foot hills of the mountains. Great sightseeing is available from the top of the ridges.