NSW Motorkhana Championship

Sun 11 August 2019
Sydney Motorsport Park Skidpan
Ian Combes, 0433 159 726, competition@mx5.com.au

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Update 27/7/2019 : Looking for for more entries to the event - enter now!

This year, MX-5 Club of NSW will be hosting a round of the NSW Motorkhana Championship at Sydney Motorsport Park skidpan.

Note that whilst the event is being run by the MX-5 Club, and whilst Club members are absolutely encouraged to enter, it isn't part of a MX-5 Club motorkhana championship (though it is part of the NSW State Championship obviously).

You don’t have to be part of the NSW Motorkhana Championship to enter this – the event is open to all MX-5 Club members.

Entry to the event is preferably through the CAMS Event Entry System. We will be accepting entries on the day, but only if the event is not already full. The only way of being sure to have a spot is to enter via CEE.

We will be reserving a certain number of spots for the NSW championship regulars, since they have been used to entering on the day, but all other spots are up for grabs for MX-5 Club members.

CEE allows you to pay by credit card, or you can do a direct deposit to the Club's bank account:

BSB: 062401
Account: 10080286
Name: Mazda MX-5 Club of New South Wales

Please include your membership number and 'NSW Motorkhana' in the reference.
Please allow at least 2 days for the deposit to hit the Club's account, or bring some form of proof of payment with you on the day.

Don’t worry about it being a NSW State Motorkhana round – it’s much lower key than the NSW Supersprint Series for example. Many MX-5 members who have done club motorkhanas will do just fine in this event, and in fact could be quite competitive. Being on the skidpan, it will be a little more familiar for MX-5 Club members compared to the Nirimba venue we used last year.

There will be some differences from our Club motorkhanas though. Timing will be electronic for one thing. Instead of the plastic cones we use for our club motorkhanas, we will be using the flags and concrete bases that we used last year at Nirimba.

We are yet to decide if we will be running 2 or 3 tests in parallel. Space is a bit tighter at SMSP - we may not have room for 3 tests. We will run at least 6 tests. You will get two attempts at each test, and there won’t be any reversing tests in the 6. Not to say that the tests will be easy, but if you’ve done a few motorkhanas, you should be fine.

We expect to be using the Renault Club electronic timing equipment (used at all State Motorkahana rounds) – it will be set up for us, but we will need volunteers to do timing at the 2 or 3 tests that are running simultaneously. At a minimum, we need 6 timers, but 9 is much better. So, come and see what state level motorkhanas are all about!

Any questions - ask Ian Combes (competition@mx5.com.au) or the event secretary Maria Martin (maria.jmrtn@gmail.com).

Supplementary Regulations