Oils Ain't Oils

Sat 15 April 2023
McDonald's Gold Creek 2 O'Hanlon Pl, Nicholls ACT 2913
08.50 am for a 09.10 start
Frances Wood, wood4@iinet.net.au
Rod Nicholas, 0419 436 296, canberra@mx5.com.au

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LubeAlloy and the Harden Oil Company are local businesses producing high-grade synthetic oils for a variety of uses, including (importantly) for performance motor vehicles like our little toys.

This run presents an opportunity to see how synthetic oils are developed – science and technology at work.

We will take a drive out to Harden for lunch and then at 1400 hrs the founder of the company will brief us on the development and products produced. We'll make our own way home from there.

Find out more at https://www.lubealloy.com.au and https://hocloils.com.au.

All up, the trip is about 300 km and involves about 3:45 hours driving time.

Run Grade: This is a ‘long’ run, suitable for most drivers. It includes some narrow country roads in generally good condition but involving a variety of terrains, including a few twists and turns. There may be some potholes to avoid. The Club’s Grading System is described at https://nsw.mx5.com.au/events/important-information/run-gradings.

RSVP to Rod Nicholas at canberra@mx5.com.au.