Overnight to Cowra

Thu 10 November 2022
2 days (10 November - 11 November)
Glenbrook Cinema Carpark, 2 Ross St, Glenbrook NSW 2773. Secondary pickup 09:00am for an 09:15 start from Hartley Historical Village.
07:30am for an 08:00am start
Debbie Dempsey, 0411162466, randd29@bigpond.net.au
Robert Dempsey, 0414609713, randd29@bigpond.net.au
Members Own

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RSVP DEBBIE DEMPSEY by 27th October 2022 using the RSVP button. Any problems email randd29@bigpond.net.au.

Our run will commence at Glenbrook with a secondary pickup at Harley Historic village. We will then proceed to the Hampton Halfway Hotel for morning tea, then on to Bathurst (coffee and toilet) via Oberon and O'Connell.

Our next stop will be in Blayney for lunch and then on to Cowra.

Accommodation has been reserved at the Aalana Motor Inn Cowra and it will be members responsibility to contact and secure a room. The price of a room per night is $130. 

Address:  161 Kendal St, Cowra NSW 2794

Phone:      (02) 63411177

The following morning we will commence with a short visit to the War Cemetery (keep in mind it will be Remembrance Day),  followed by breakfast at 9am at the Japanese Gardens followed by a leisurely walk through the gardens.
