Palm Beach Twilight Run

Sat 05 March 2016
Meet McGraths Hill MacDonalds. Second pickup will be 4:30pm at Bobbin Head Picnic area in the National Park at the carpark between the sandstone toilet block building and Marina.
3:00pm for 3:30pm start
Steve & Maree Eccleston, 0412 902 020,
National Park entry fee $12 per car

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Come and join us for a change of scenery from the mountains to the sea. This run has a bit of everything. A good warm up in the country from McGraths Hill to Hornsby via Galston Gorge.

Next, lots more twisty bits through Kur-ring-gai National Park before a comfort stop and second pick up at Bobin Head for any other chapter members. From here it is off to a bit of suburbia then the National Park again to Akuna Bay. The Akuna Bay Road is not fast but is a bit twisty and has some lovely driving by the water.

Next we are off to West Head for the best MX5 road on the beaches. No traffic, reasonable speed limit and at the end a very attractive view over Pittwater to Palm Beach. Magic!

Then back on the same West Head Road to Bayview and finally to Palm Beach RSL for dinner. This part of the run will be slower allowing everyone to take in the many Pittwater and beach views along the way.

Twilight drinks and dinner at the Palm Beach Golf Club which has a lovely north aspect taking in the golf course and Pittwater. Our aim is to complete the meal around 8pm so the drive home which is not a planned run will not finish too late.

RSVP required by 20th February

We have booked tables at the golf club but definite numbers are required for catering.

Stage 1:

Stage 2: