Peat and Jill’s Spring Breakout to Cowra

Sat 17 October 2015
2 days (17 October - 18 October)
Meet at Hayward’s Bay
8.30 for 9.00 departure.
Peter Feutrill, 0409 453 322

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This event is booked out! 

This will be a fun weekend with Saturday 17 October getting off the beaten track (who’s been to Grabben Gullen, Rugby & Frogmore?) to Cowra with an overnight stay. Saturday afternoon there should be time for an optional visit to the Japanese Gardens and Saturdaypre dinner we will have the traditional Peat & Jill mind bending (or numbing) trivia competition. Dinner Saturday evening is planned to be at our motel.

We have set aside 15 rooms at the Sovereign Inn in Cowra. It has rooms for $100 per room. Breakfast and dinner options (Breakfasts range from  $12pp to $17pp and dinners $30pp to $40pp) will be extra and we will be discussing these at our upcoming chapter meetings.

Telephone the motel yourselves to book a room 63421055 – mention the MX5 Club. See but don’t book on line.

Then Sunday 18 October we will be taking every back road we can to drive via Millthorpe, Bathurst, O’Connell (for lunch at the pub), Tarago then home. Of course anyone who lives north of the ‘gong could peel off after O’Connell and go via the Blue Mountains.

2 big days but great MX-5 roads and good company. 

Please RSVP so we have numbers.

Participants: Feutril,Farquar; Hill; Gibson; Sando; Underwood; Clayton; Badger; Lukasiak; Monaghan; Byers; McCormack;  Ashton; Shedden, Tuckey, Pope, Barr; Coulson.
